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Let's play with pattern matching in Haskell

Let's discover Haskell and pattern matching via basic examples similar to "Let's play with pattern matching in Scala".

## Step #1: create an enumeration

We can create an enumeration that represent the four suites in French playing cards:

data CardSuite = Club | Diamond | Heart | Spade
  deriving (Eq, Enum, Show)

We have just created our own data type which:

  • has four constructors (value constructors)
  • inherits from Haskell's base types:
    • Eq in order to know if two values are equal or not
    • Enum so that all values are known and ordered (sequentially ordered types)
    • Show so that we can have a string representation for debugging/troubleshooting

We can then use ghci (Glascow Haskell Compiler Interactive environment), the Haskell REPL, to illustrate how we can use this enumeration:

*Main> Heart == Heart
*Main> Heart < Spade
*Main> succ Heart

Pattern matching examples

Example #1

The following function returns the Unicode symbol for a given card suite:

symbol :: CardSuite -> String
symbol cardSuite =
  case cardSuite of
    Club -> ""
    Diamond ->""
    Heart -> ""
    Spade -> ""

Let's evaluate it :

*Main> putStrLn $ symbol $ Heart

Notice that:

  • The $ operator allows is a way chain function calls, omitting to use nested parenthesis (putStrLn(symbol(Heart))).
  • the putStrLn standard function can display Unicode characters, whereas the standard function show only displays ASCII characters. 😎

Morevover, the Haskell compiler can detect a non-exhaustive pattern matching. For instance, the following code : ```haskell symbol :: CardSuite -> String symbol cardSuite = case cardSuite of Club -> "♣" ``` generates a compile-time warning : ```haskell warning: [-Wincomplete-patterns] Pattern match(es) are non-exhaustive In a case alternative: Patterns not matched: Diamond Heart Spade ``` and the following evaluation triggers an error : ```haskell *Main> symbol Diamond "*** Exception: test-en.hs:(13,3)-(14,15): Non-exhaustive patterns in case ```

Example #2, share expression with a 'where' block

Let's implement a color function that returns "red" or "black" depending on the input card suite:

color :: CardSuite -> String
color cardSuite =
  case cardSuite of
    Club -> black
    Diamond -> red
    Heart -> red
    Spade -> black
      red = "red"
      black = "black"

Let's evaluate it:

*Main> color Heart

The where keyword is used there to share some expressions.

Example #3: destructuring

Let's say we want to define our custom type Card that combines a rank (1, 2, 3, ..., Jack, Queen, King) and a suite:

data Rank =
  R1 | R2 | R3 | R4 | R5 | R6 | R7 | R8 | R9 | R10 | Jack | Queen | King
  deriving (Eq, Ord, Enum, Show)

data Card = Card {
  rank :: Rank,
  suite :: CardSuite
} deriving (Eq, Show)

The Card type uses the record syntax that allows to name fields.

We can then use pattern matching in order to de-structure a card, filtering some fields. For instance, the following function determines if two cards have the same suite:

sameSuite :: (Card, Card) -> Bool
sameSuite ((Card _ suite1), (Card _ suite2)) =
  suite1 == suite2

Call examples:

*Main> :{
*Main| sameSuite (
*Main|        Card {rank=R1, suite=Diamond},
*Main|        Card {rank=R1, suite=Heart} )
*Main| :}
*Main> :{
*Main| sameSuite (
*Main|      Card {rank=Jack, suite=Heart},
*Main|      Card {rank=R1, suite=Diamond} )
*Main| :}

Card ranks, that are not needed by our function, have been filtered using the wild-card symbol (_).

That's all, folks! 🤓